IC-ESI Participants
Challenge Areas
- ECO-SMART (Antenna and Propagation – Microwaves Technology – Intelligence Technology – AI and IoT – Medical and Biomedical Applications – Industrial Applications – Networking and Security – Green Energy Technology – Circuits, Systems and Communication).
- FUTURISTIC ECOLOGICAL BLUEPRINTS (Smart City – Green Architecture – Sustainable Architecture – Urban Renewal – Construction – Technology – Architecture – Environmental Sustainability).
- SMART STREET LIGHTING I (Smart Street Lighting – Energy-efficient Lighting – City Lighting Monitoring – Smart Lighting – Energy Management – Smart City Management).
- SMART STREET LIGHTING II (Predictive Technology – IoT Applications – Smart Lighting Industry – Smart City Industry – IoT Industry).

- ECO ENCLOSURES (Eco Enclosures – Renewable Energy – Green Infrastructure – Construction – Renewable Energy – Urban Planning).
- ELECTRIC DELIVERY FLEETS (Electric Delivery Fleets – Electric Vehicles – Urban Delivery Solutions – Transportation Industry – Logistics Industry – Sustainable Energy Industry).
- SENSOR NETWORKS (Modular Sensor Boxes – Real-time Data Networks – Environmental Monitoring – Technology – Infrastructure – Research).
- ANONYMIZED TRAFFIC PLATFORMS (Real-time Traffic Tracking – Urban Planning Optimization – Connected Service Platforms – Transportation – Smart Cities – Internet of Things).
Call for Project / Innovation Link: IC-ESI’2024 Call
Registration Link: Register by clicking here
Proposal Template Link: IC-ESI_proposal_template
How to Fill your IC-ESI’2024 Proposal Template Link: Click Here
Proposal Submission Upload Link: IC-ESI Proposal Submission
2nd Stage Level Submission Upload Link: IC-SIT’2023_2nd Stage Level Submission
For any inquiries, please contact us at apmtt.egypt.chapter@gmail.com

All team members must be at least 16 years old. Multiple teams can exist in secondary schools, colleges, and universities. Before registering, it is up to each team to find one eligible academic advisor (see below) who will be in charge of the team during the competition.
A team must have a confirmed advisor in order to rank in the competition. When a team registers, an email is sent to the designated advisor. The advisor can then accept or decline the request to advise that team. If the advisor ignores the email, the advisor’s status remains unconfirmed. At the time of the competition, all teams whose academic advisor is still unconfirmed or declined will be ineligible for prizes or participation certificates, even if they are able to participate. Furthermore, their competition ranking will not be included in the final rankings. Before the competition, it is the team leader’s job to check on the status of the advisor.
Team members must solve and finish the problems without the assistance of others or prewritten code. Please keep in mind that the competition’s goal and spirit is for students, not others, to solve a problem. People acting as advisors must limit their support and make no contributions. Work by an advisor on behalf of a competitor is never permitted.
The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to examine all submissions for plagiarism and disqualify any team whose work is not their own. Where prohibited by law, this offer is void. Entrants understand that the sponsor reserves the right to substitute or withdraw prizes as required by law.
A consultant should be assigned to each team to oversee competition activities. This year, both teams and advisors collaborated in-person or remotely while competing.
Advisors should be at least experienced engineers, preferably with Master’s or Ph.D. degrees. Although neither the student nor the graduate student can serve as advisors, they are encouraged to participate in the competition as team members. During the registration process, advisor information is required.
Advisors are responsible for the following tasks:
* Observing the overall flow of activity;
* Informing students about the competition timeline;
* Ensuring that no one outside the team is assisting or assisting participating students in any way with problem solving;
* Designated advisors are in charge of ensuring that participants do not plagiarize; and
* Teams must be monitored at all times during the 24-hour competition.
* The sponsor has the option to allow remote monitoring.
Important Notes:
* The advisor must follow up on his email and receive an email from the competition manager to accept the project and team members.
* This step is required to complete the project’s acceptance for participation in the competition.
* The proposal template on the competition website needs to be filled out and uploaded so that all participants are judged the same way.
Scoring Criteria
Innovation ———————————————————————————- ( 10 points )
Creativity / Originality ——————————————————————– ( 10 points )
Precision in Idea ————————————————————————– ( 10 points )
Overall Composition ——————————————————————— ( 10 points )
Distinctiveness in Conceptualization ———————————————— ( 10 points )
Creativity in Expression —————————————————————– ( 10 points )
Technical Organization —————————————————————— ( 10 points )
Inspirational Power ———————————————————————– ( 5 points )
Whether the project is in line with the theme ————————————– ( 5 points )
Brand Recall Ability ———————————————————————– ( 5 points )
Project Problem Difficulty ————————————————————— ( 15 points )
The team score is the sum of the overall points of the scoring criteria. The formula for calculating the team rank value for the same level and challenge area:
Where, the Team Rank can be a number between 0 and 1.
If the team ranking is equal for the same level and challenge area, the points of project problem difficulty are the deciding factor in determining the ranking.

All active IC-ESI competitors will receive a digital IEEE certificate as well as a valuable prize (to be announced later). An “active participant” is defined as a team that makes a reasonable attempt to solve a problem at the sole discretion of the sponsor. Special certificate awards will also be presented to the girls’ teams in secondary high schools and universities with project ideas serving women and childhood tracks.
Taxes, if any, are solely the responsibility of each member of the winning team. The sponsor makes no warranties or disclaimers regarding the prizes other than those typically provided by the manufacturer of the prizes. In its sole discretion, the sponsor reserves the right to substitute different prizes of approximately equal value. Where prohibited by law, this offer is void.