The International Conference on Future Telecommunications and Artificial Intelligence (IC-FTAI’2024) is being organized by the IEEE Egypt AP-S/MTT-S Joint Chapter with the technical support of the IEEE Egypt Section and IEEE Egypt Alexandria Subsection. The technical support for the conference is provided by the IEEE-APS and MTT-S societies. It will take place from December 17 – 19, 2024, in Alexandria, Egypt.

The IC-FTAI’2024 invites researchers and developers from academic, industrial, and government laboratories to present novel ideas and demonstrations of original research prototypes in all tracks related to antennas, electromagnetics, microwave, telecommunications, IoT, AI, space, and radar, among others. IC-FTAI’2024 encourages nascent and incubating companies to demonstrate emerging and innovative technologies with potential commercial applications. Furthermore, authors with a demonstration component in their work who plan to submit their papers to the conference website are strongly encouraged to also submit proposals to the demonstration session by 25 October 2024. The detailed instructions, which include due dates, formats, and templates, can be found on the conference website.


Track 1: Antennas and Emerging Technologies
Track 2: Electromagnetics and Materials
Track 3: Computational, Propagation and Scattering
Track 4: Electromagnetic Field, Devices, and Circuits
Track 5: Artificial Intelligence and Computer Architecture
Track 6: Computer Systems, Security and Robotics
Track 7: Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
Track8: Systems, Applications and Emerging Technologies
Track9: Communications Engineering, Networking and Technology
Track10: Power Management and Control


Proposals for demonstrations should be one or two pages longdouble-column IEEE format, and include the authors’ names and affiliations as well as a brief abstract. All demonstration papers must be submitted online through the conference website. accepted papers, along with the regular main track and work-in-progress papers, will be published in the conference proceedings. Each proposal should describe the demonstration’s main contributions as well as the merits of the proposed idea. Make your description of what you will show as specific as possible.

From industry and academic researchers, we are looking for original demos related to IC-FTAI’s 2024 tracks. A technology prototype can range from a computer-based mockup to a fully functional collection of devices.

  • The IC-FTAI’2024 Conference registration Link click here to register.
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We look forward to seeing you and participating with us at IC-FTAI’2024 in Alexandria, Egypt!